Friday, December 3, 2010

Radio ads

     The two radio advertisements that I will compare are the one made by Vinny and the one made by Connor and Daniel. They were both vastly different ads that used different ad techniques.
     Firstly I will talk about the advertisement Vinny made. Vinny's ad was more of an abstract kind of advertisement. He did not show what realisticly happens when someone gambles, but he did show how someone can lose everything (as he pointed out, education, love life.) by gambling. His ad was directly addressing the gamblers, showing fear, making them feel that fear of losing everything. I found this advertisement to be very effective. It made the listener think about the consequences of gambling, it was also very artisticly made. It flowed well together.

    The one by Connor and Daniel was more of a story type of ad. This team used sound effects at the beginning of a school bell which created immediate setting for the story. Then the story started. There were characters, setting and conflict. After the story ended, a new person started talking, the narrator. Another thing to keep a not of, is that they used a completely different voice actor to be the narrator. Since James has a British accent, made the ad stand out since it was different. It also added a tone of authority.

    Some of the challenges I found there to be, not only for me, but for everyone else was the editing part. Needing to find the right sound effects and making it all feel and sound well without over doing it was challenging in my opinion. I also found it hard staying in the time frame. Since it had to be up to 30 min. It was hard to cut out many parts of the script while still making it sound decent.

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